

Hand-coloured antique prints and maps by fine artist and colourist Paul Herman. Paul creates one-of-a-kind hand-coloured antique prints and maps from his studio in Edinburgh, Scotland. Paul specializes in hand-coloured antique prints, antique maps, engravings, lithographs and paper conservation. He is skilled in utilizing the styles and techniques reflective of various periods and creates hand-coloured antique prints and maps of all subjects and periods.

Contact Paul with any questions you may have, send your prints in tube or envelope, pay through PayPal or bank transfer to Wells Fargo in the ‘States, or the Royal Bank of Scotland in Europe, and receive your carefully and lovingly coloured works in return post and with reliable punctuality.

I have included some sample pricing to orient you, prices will vary depending on a few criteria, please contact to discuss your needs, be it a single print, or hudreds. Go to the contact page or email directly to: paul@hermanstudios.com

Payment methods: PayPal (no account necessary). Bank transfer to Well Fargo in the ‘States, & Royal Bank of Scotland in Europe. Discount to print sellers & batch orders.